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October Birthstone – Opal

Opal, the birthstone for October, represents hope and innocence. The name “opal” can mean “to see a change in color” and is derived from the Latin word opalus, or stone. Most opals are white with iridescence, but they can be black or even transparent with flecks of red or yellow. Opals are a gem formed by non-crystalline silica gel that seeped into crevices of ancient rock. Through time and nature’s heating and molding processes, the gel hardened into opals. The almost three dimensional repeating patterns give an opal its radiance. The October birthstone is found most often in the U.S., Mexico, and Australia.
Mined in: Mexico, Australia, Brazil, Colombia, and the U.S.
October birthstone color: Black, white. Opals have delicate tints of diverse hues when observed from different angles
Symbolism & meaning: hope, innocence, purity. Influences loyalty, confidence, happiness and faithfulness
Zodiac sign: Libra
Derives from: Greek, opallos